I have two similar controller methods that I'm using to test the @PathVariable annotation with:
value = "/1",
method = {RequestMethod.GET})
public String two(Model model)
model.addAttribute("category", "acategory");
model.addAttribute("subCategory", "placeholder");
return "homePage";
path = "/{category}/{subcategory}",
method = {RequestMethod.GET})
public String three(
@PathVariable("category") String category,
@PathVariable("subcategory") String subcategory,
Model model)
model.addAttribute("category", "acategory");
model.addAttribute("subCategory", "placeholder");
return "homePage";
I would expect the exact same behavior from those two methods since I am not using the path variables passed in, and instead just hardcoding "acategory" and "placeholder". However when I navigate to localhost:8080/1
I see the content I expect but navigating to localhost:8080/asdf/asdf
breaks my HTML.
Here is the HTML in question:
<div class="wrapper"> <!-- Entire page wrapper? -->
<!-- Thymeleaf fragment: commonHeader -->
<div th:replace="fragments/commonFragments :: commonHeader"></div>
<!-- Begin Page Content-->
<div th:insert="'fragments/' + ${category} :: ${subCategory}"></div>
<!-- End Page Content -->
</div> <!-- Entire page wrapper closing tag? -->
And the fragment:
<div th:fragment="placeholder">
<div class="container">
<div class="row tagline">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<p><strong>Please see <a href="page2.html">page two</a> for all related links. </strong>
<!--There's also a <a href="index_3col.html">3-column version</a> of this page.--> Link to a
secondary page open accordion <a data-expand="#SecurityPanel" href="page2.html#collapse1">1</a>, <a
data-expand="#SecurityPanel" href="page2.html#collapse2">2</a>, or <a
data-expand="#SecurityPanel" href="page2.html#collapse3">3</a>.. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus hendrerit consectetur justo, vitae euismod nisl pulvinar id. In
hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam quis ante at mi auctor vehicula. <a href="page2.html">Learn
more</a>. </p>
... more stuff cut for brevity
You probably have relative links to your CSS file, which break when you start using nested URLs. Change them to absolute links to fix it.
Answered By - Wim Deblauwe
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)