Question: What exact ojdbc driver should I use for: Oracle 12cR2 (12.2) with JDK 11
Reference: I am referring
Which says for ojdbc8.jar. Now there are multiple versions released of ojdbc8.
The one which is release with Oracle 12.2 is not compatible with JDK11. (
The one which is released with Oracle 19c (19.3) is compatible with JDK11 (
So I cannot find a clear explanation of using ojdbc jar to be used with Oracle 12.2 and JDK11. Can I use ojdbc8 jar released with Oracle 19c for Oracle 12.2/12cR2?
Yes, you can use 19c JDBC driver with Oracle Database 12.2. Please see the below in FAQ that shows the JDBC driver and the database compatibility.
Answered By - Nirmala
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)