When starting my shell, I get a message :" 'echo.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." I am not sure where it comes from. The problem is, that when I run my perl scripts as external tools in eclipse, this message is also printed in the eclipse console after the output of the scripts. How can I get rid of it?
Remove the . at the end of echo. command used in the perl script.
To locate the perl script involved in a directory and all sub directories, use:
grep -irH "echo[.]" .
This other command-line below automatically update all perl scripts found in current directory and sub directories; it replaces any echo. encountered with echo
WARNING: backup the directory before running the command-line below:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I xxxx sed -i 's/echo[.]/echo/g' xxxx
Answered By - Jay jargot
Answer Checked By - David Goodson (JavaFixing Volunteer)