I have a SpringBoot (2.2.4) / Java 11 application and I try to implement Log4J2 logging using an external configuration file (in the .properties format). The code to initialize the logger is the following:
public static void initLogger(String fileName) {
try (FileInputStream loggingConfigurationProperties = new FileInputStream(fileName)) {
ConfigurationSource source = new ConfigurationSource(loggingConfigurationProperties, new File(fileName));
Configurator.initialize(null, source);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println(" could not be loaded! " + ioe.getCause() + "/" + ioe.getMessage());
In the console, I get the following messages:
Set log configuration file config\
Set log configuration file config\
The configuration file exists at the file location and it has the following content:
name = MyPropertiesConfiguration
status = warn
monitorInterval = 30
property.basePath = logs
appenders = rolling, console
appender.rolling.type = RollingFile = fileAppender
appender.rolling.fileName = ${basePath}/MyLogFile-${date:yyyyMMdd}.log
appender.rolling.filePattern = ${basePath}/MyLogFile-${date:yyyyMMdd}-%i.log
appender.rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.rolling.layout.pattern = [%-5level] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %c{1} - %msg%n
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.policies.size.size = 10MB
appender.console.type = Console = consoleAppender = SYSTEM_OUT
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern = [%-5level] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %c{1} - %msg%n
loggers = main, springframework = com.mypackage.main
logger.main.level = debug
logger.main.aditivity = false
logger.main.appenderRef.rolling.ref = fileAppender
logger.main.appenderRef.console.ref = consoleAppender = org.springframework.boot
logger.springframework.level = error
logger.springframework.aditivity = false
logger.springframework.appenderRef.rolling.ref = fileAppender
logger.springframework.appenderRef.console.ref = consoleAppender
rootLogger.level = error
rootLogger.additivity = false
rootLogger.appenderRef.rolling.ref = fileAppender
rootLogger.appenderRef.console.ref = consoleAppender
The problem is that nothing is logged. File MyLogFile-20200312.log is nevertheless created, but it is empty. When I place this configuration file in the classpath, everything works as expected. Can you please point out what am I doing wrong?
After investigating the problem further, it seems the solution is pretty simple to load the configuration file:
Configurator.initialize(null, fileName);
Initially, I didn't think it worked with different file formats than XML.
Answered By - Andrei Roșu-Cojocaru
Answer Checked By - Willingham (JavaFixing Volunteer)