In Java 11 a number of JVM args relating to GC logging are not supported anymore. What, if anything, can they be replaced with, if we still want to use GC logging? In particular, this relates to the following JVM args:
List of your <arguments, current mapping, reasons>
is as follows:
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps ==> decoration options
-XX:+PrintGCDetails ==> -Xlog:gc*
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime ==> -Xlog:safepoint
Note: PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime
and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
are logged on the same tag and not separated in the new logging.
-XX:GCLogFileSize ==> output options
The bits that are handled by the framework do require tweaking
Reference: The documentation I've referred to and request you to follow for such migration details.
Answered By - Naman
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)