I am learning Kotlin on my own. I am trying to calculate the age of a user after the have input their date of Birth and display it in another activity.
I tried a bunch of different stuff and none worked. I'm sure I maybe overlooking something simple.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
var date1: EditText? = null
var datePickerDialog: DatePickerDialog? = null
lateinit var submitButton: Button
lateinit var userInput: EditText
lateinit var dob: EditText
@SuppressLint("SetTextI18n", "MissingInflatedId", "CutPasteId")
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
date1 = findViewById<EditText>( as EditTe
date1!!.setOnClickListener{ // calender class's instance and get current date , month and year from calender
val c = Calendar.getInstance()
val mYear = c[Calendar.YEAR] // current year
val mMonth = c[Calendar.MONTH] // current month
val mDay = c[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH] // current day
datePickerDialog = DatePickerDialog(
{ view, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth -> // set day of month , month and year value in the edit text
dayOfMonth.toString() + "/"
+ (monthOfYear + 1) + "/" + year
}, mYear, mMonth, mDay
submitButton = findViewById(id.sub_btn)
userInput = findViewById(id.username1)
dob = findViewById(
submitButton.setOnClickListener {
val age= dob.text.toString()
val name= userInput.text.toString()
//val str = userInput.text.toString()
intent = Intent(this,
If you're able to utilize java.time
or at least ThreeTen Android Backport, it should be easy and will save you from a lot of work if your'e using java.util.Calendar
Here's a small working piece of DatePickerDialog
that you can copy and paste easily, this is how I calculate year difference between two LocalDate
val now =
val initYear = now.year
val initMonth = now.monthValue - 1 // offset it -1 because January starts at 0 index
val initDay = now.dayOfMonth
val datePickerDialog = DatePickerDialog(
{ _: DatePicker, pickedYear: Int, pickedMonth: Int, pickedDay: Int ->
val selectedBirthdate = LocalDate.of(pickedYear, pickedMonth + 1, pickedDay)
val age = Period.between(selectedBirthdate,
Log.e("DatePickerTag", "Age : $age")
}, initYear, initMonth, initDay)
If I select April 1 1995
and evaluate it against the time of this posting it will print
E/DatePickerTag: Age : 27
If however you can't use java.time
or ThreeTenABP
, this S.O post might help you otherwise. The bottom section of the post contains answers for calculating age using java.util.Calendar
Lastly, out-of-topic, consider what lateinit var is for, what kotlin null safety is, and avoid shouting in your code unnecessarily!!
Answered By - z.y
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)