We run a webserver (Jetty9) with openJDK11 (openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14). Our GWT-webapp project is built using Eclipse with GWT-SDK 2.8.2 and also openJDK11.
But the server delivers the following error message:
Service Unavailable
Powered by Jetty://
We tried to configure the project using Maven and using plain project configuration by Eclipse, the result is the same.
When we configure and build both with JDK8, it works fine.
According to Maven Compile GWT & OpenJDK 11 GWT2.8.2 and JDK11 should work together. But we do not have any compiler-errors.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, this is solved.
The problem occured with Raspian Stretch and separately installed JDK11. Using Raspian Buster (which has JDK11 as standard) it works.
Answered By - Nullpointer
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)