I'm getting this deeply nested JSON response from an api that I have no control,
What should be the best way to get to "generalDetails" and then find the first true value under security, address, account and mobile?
"info_code": "201",
"info_description": "info description",
"data": {
"status": "here goes the status",
"failure_data": {
"source": "anySource",
"details": {
"data": {
"server_response": {
"generalDetails": {
"security": {
"isAccountLocked": "false"
"address": {
"isAddresExists": "true"
"account": {
"accountExists": "true",
"isValidAccount": "true"
"mobile": {
"mobileExists": "true"
My request looks like:
private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
String resp =
First, build the model, automatic here
Then read data with the model
Then decide how you want evaluate the requirement find the first true value under security, address, account and mobile
What means "first" ? JSON has no natural order without indicating explicity (e.g. field "order": 2).
N.B. "true", "false" of the response are Strings, not booleans.
Once you have the model with data, you may do:
Object firstTrue(GeneralDetails gd) {
// No null checks here
if ("true".equals(gd.getSecurtity().isLockedAccount())) return gd.getSecurtity();
if ("true".equals(gd.getAddress().isAddressExists())) return gd.getAddress();
if ("true".equals(gd.getAccount().isAccountExists()) || "true".equals(gd.getAccount().isAccountValid())) return gd.getAccount();
if ("true".equals(gd.getMobile().isMobileExists())) return gd.getMobile();
return null;
Answered By - PeterMmm
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)