I am trying to implement some functions to a generic array such as setting the count of the item to int count via method setcount( DT item, int count)
. I've asked this before and a kind Stack Overflow user has been nice enough to explain that using a hashmap would've been better.
class SimpleHistogram<T> implements Histogram<T>, Iterable<T> {
private final Map<T, Integer> bins = new HashMap<>();
public SimpleHistogram() {
SimpleHistogram(List<? extends T> items) {
for (T item : items) {
Integer count = bins.getOrDefault(item, 0);
bins.put(item, count + 1);
public void setCount(T item, int count) {
bins.put(item, count);
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return bins.keySet().iterator();
public int getTotalCount() {
return bins.size();
However, there seems to be an error when I tried to run it using my test cases and it seems that the issue stems from the constructor that I'm provided with.
I've tried to debug the issue but the only solution available is to change from
public SimpleHistogram() {
public SimpleHistogram(Character[] target) {
which would be wrong since it should take in any generic array.
Any suggestions on what changes should I make?
Here are the test cases by the way: public class SimpleHistogramTest {
public void testHistogram() {
Character[] target = {'a','b','c','a'};
Histogram<Character> h = new SimpleHistogram<>(target); //here is where the problem arises
Iterator<Character> iter = h.iterator();
int elemCount = 0;
while(iter.hasNext()) {;
assertEquals(3, elemCount);
assertEquals(2, h.getCount('a'));
assertEquals(1, h.getCount('b'));
assertEquals(1, h.getCount('c'));
assertEquals(4, h.getTotalCount());
You should overload your constructor with a new one which is handle the arrays or have to pass the array as list.
SimpleHistogram(T[] items) {
public void testHistogram() {
Character[] target = {'a','b','c','a'};
Histogram<Character> h = new SimpleHistogram<>(Arrays.asList(target));
Iterator<Character> iter = h.iterator();
int elemCount = 0;
while(iter.hasNext()) {;
Or you can use the 3 dot syntax for parameters.
SimpleHistogram(T... items) {
Formatted code for the comment answer:
Its a little missunderstand naming convention. If you want to add items, so incrase the count is: Check if the HashMap has item with key if yes then get its value and incrase with the count, you can do this by sum them and put the key again with the new value
public void addCount(T item, int count) {
if (bins.containsKey(item)){
bins.put(item, bins.get(item)+count);
bins.put(item, count);
public void setCount(T item, int count) {
bins.put(item, count);
Answered By - Chezo
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)