I would like to play music when all the tasks are done. I don't know how to hook it with the last task/event.
So far I managed to download and play music and I can execute it manually.
Here is my code (mostly working):
def tempSound = "/tmp/gradleBuildFinished.wav"
task downloadMusic {
doLast {
println "downloadMusic"
def sounds = [
def r = new Random()
def soundIndex = r.nextInt(sounds.size())
println "Deleting temp sound: " + delete(tempSound)
exec {
commandLine("bash", "-c", "curl " + sounds.get(soundIndex) + " > " + tempSound)
task playMusic {
dependsOn downloadMusic
doLast {
println "playMusic"
assert file(tempSound).exists()
("afplay " + tempSound).execute()
// how to execute playMusic? It will trigger when all tasks are done, right?
OK, here is the answer. The main task should have been finalized by the assemble task.
def tempSound = "/tmp/gradleBuildFinished.wav"
task downloadAssembleSound() {
doLast {
println "> Task :downloadAssembleSound"
def sounds = [
def r = new Random()
def soundIndex = r.nextInt(sounds.size())
def soundNumber = r.nextInt(3) + 1
def sound = sounds.get(soundIndex) + soundNumber + ".wav"
println "Fetching.... " + sound
exec {
commandLine("bash", "-c", "curl " + sound + " > " + tempSound)
task playAssembleSound {
dependsOn { downloadAssembleSound }
doLast {
println "> Task :playAssembleSound"
assert file(tempSound).exists()
("afplay " + tempSound).execute()
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if ('assemble') &&'Debug')) {
task.finalizedBy {
Answered By - deadfish
Answer Checked By - Dawn Plyler (JavaFixing Volunteer)