I use maven conventions for source paths (src/main src/test) and i have my sql scripts in src/main/resources/scripts.
I want to run my app with H2 memory and i'd like to use the jdbc url to initialize my db :
database.url=jdbc:h2:mem:;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'src/main/resources/scripts/create.sql';
My problem is that this relative path (src/main/... ) does not work, and that H2 won't crash if the init=runscript command targets nothing.
Does someone know what is the path i should use to make this work ?
You can use the following url:
"jdbc:h2:mem:sample;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:scripts/create.sql'"
With that one it is possible to run script from classpath. So you can just put it src/main/resources/scripts or src/test/resources/scripts in your maven (or something else) project.
Answered By - viktortnk
Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (JavaFixing Admin)