I have researched this issue a lot and cannot find an answer to that, so I have setup a simple project on Jenkins before and I get all the perks of the "Build Triggers" tab where I can select exactly what could trigger the project build (for example pull requests).
However, in the Blue Ocean project I can only see these options under the specific branch > View Configuration, and it doesn't allow me to save any of the options configured, it just shows the configs and there is no save button. I have attached the screenshots below:
This is the Project > Configuration, it allows me to save changes and everything but has no option for build triggers.
This is under Project > Branch (master) > View Configurations, it shows the build triggers I want but no option to apply these changes into that specific branch.
So, I guess the question is, how can I add the build triggers to my blue ocean pipeline?
The build triggered seen under a branch should be the reflection of the trigger directive made in a Jenkinsfile directive which is either:
Accepts a cron-style string to define a regular interval at which the pipeline should be re-triggered, for example:triggers { cron('H */4 * * 1-5') }
Accepts a cron-style string to define a regular interval at which Jenkins should check for new source changes. If new changes exist, the pipeline will be re-triggered. For example:triggers { pollSCM('H */4 * * 1-5') }
Accepts a comma separated string of jobs and a threshold.
When any job in the string finishes with the minimum threshold, the pipeline will be re-triggered. For example:triggers { upstream(upstreamProjects: 'job1,job2', threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS) }
That would be paired with a
directive, which specifies the branch
Execute the stage when the branch being built matches the branch pattern given, for example:when { branch 'master' }
Note that this only works on a multibranch Pipeline.
Nmaresh Kulkarni adds in the comments:
Looks like the remote trigger from script is not an option, and this option is must for folks behind a firewall.
The only way that I can think of is to create a fake trigger job, and configure that as an upstream trigger for my actual repo with Jenkinsfile.curl -X POST -u "$username:$api-token" "$jenkins-url/job/$job-name/job/$branch-name/build"
This API is handy to trigger remote builds within local network after pushing to GitHub or Azure repos.
(From "How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters")
Answered By - VonC
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)