I'm utilizing the gitlab auto devops android template Android.gitlab-ci.yml
here but it's using a java 8 image (whereas I want to use java 11). Also, it has ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK
set to "29" and I want to compile my app with the latest version - currently 31.
There is another "latest" template file named Android.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
which can be found on gitlab here . At time of writing it sets image
to "openjdk:11-jdk" and COMPILE_SDK
to "30". See relevant gitlab MR/discussion for more context.
So, if you just want to use whatever is in the template, your .gitlab-ci.yml
just needs to look like this:
- template: Android.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
That's all you need.
At time of writing that sets ANDROID_COMPLE_SDK
to "30". So, if you want to bump that up and set it yourself, it's as simple as adding it to that file. For instance:
- template: Android.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
Just remember that if/when someone updates the template to say, "32", you'll still be using "31". The choice is yours:
- Don't set any values (only use the
) and you'll get the update automatically when someone updates the template - Do set/override some values. Updates won't be automatic, so you'll have to be sure to maintain them yourself
Answered By - Kevin Worth
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)