I am using spring hexagonal architecture (port and adapter) as my application need to read the stream of data from the source topic, process/transforms the data, and send it to destination topic.
My application need to do the following actions.
- Read the data (which will have the call back url)
- Make an http call with the url in the incoming data (using webclient)
- Get the a actual data and it needs to be transformed into another format.
- Send the transformed data to the outgoing topic.
Here is my code,
public Flux<TargeData> getData(Flux<Message<EventInput>> message)
return message
.flatMap(it -> {
Event event = objectMapper.convertValue(it.getPayload(), Event.class);
String eventType = event.getHeader().getEventType();
String callBackURL = "";
if (DISTRIBUTOR.equals(eventType)) {
callBackURL = event.getHeader().getCallbackEnpoint();
WebClient client = WebClient.create();
Flux<NodeInput> nodeInputFlux = client.get()
.headers(httpHeaders -> {
List<MediaType> acceptTypes = new ArrayList<>();
.exchangeToFlux(response -> {
if (response.statusCode()
.equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
System.out.println("Response is OK");
return response.bodyToFlux(NodeInput.class);
return Flux.empty();
nodeInputFlux.subscribe( nodeInput -> {
SourceData source = objectMapper.convertValue(nodeInput, SourceData.class);
// return Flux.fromIterable(this.TransformImpl.transform(source));
return Flux.empty();
The commented line in the above code is giving the compilation as subscribe method does not allow return types.
I need a solution "without using block" here.
Please help me here, Thanks in advance.
I think i understood the logic. What do you may want is this:
public Flux<TargeData> getData(Flux<Message<EventInput>> message) {
return message
.flatMap(it -> {
// 1. marshall and unmarshall operations are CPU expensive and could harm event loop
return Mono.fromCallable(() -> objectMapper.convertValue(it.getPayload(), Event.class))
.filter(event -> {
// 2. Moving the if-statement yours to a filter - same behavior
String eventType = event.getHeader().getEventType();
return DISTRIBUTOR.equals(eventType);
// Here is the trick 1 - your request below return Flux of SourceData the we will flatten
// into a single Flux<SourceData> instead of Flux<List<SourceData>> with flatMapMany
.flatMap(event -> {
// This WebClient should not be created here. Should be a singleton injected on your class
WebClient client = WebClient.create();
return client.get()
.exchangeToFlux(response -> {
if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
System.out.println("Response is OK");
return response.bodyToFlux(SourceData.class);
return Flux.empty();
// Here is the trick 2 - supposing that transform return a Iterable of TargetData, then you should do this and will have Flux<TargetData>
// and flatten instead of Flux<List<TargetData>>
.flatMapIterable(source -> this.TransformImpl.transform(source));
Answered By - Gabriel Suaki
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)