I want to use the new Multidex support library to break the method limit for one of my apps.
With Android Lollipop Google introduced a multidex support library that makes it easy to multidex.
What steps are needed to use this library and to build my app with multidex support?
Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher uses ART which supports multidexing. Therefore, if your minSdkVersion
is 21 or higher, the multidex support library is not needed.
Modify your build.gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 22
buildToolsVersion "23.0.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14 //lower than 14 doesn't support multidex
targetSdkVersion 22
// Enabling multidex support.
multiDexEnabled true
dependencies {
implementation ''
If you are running unit tests, you will want to include this in your Application
public class YouApplication extends Application {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
Or just make your application
class extend MultiDexApplication
public class Application extends MultiDexApplication {
For more info, this is a good guide.
Answered By - Chad Bingham
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)