I'm getting the error following error when building the project in android studio
error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type (com.madstone.tageditor.database.TrackFileAndSong). LiveData<List> getTrackFileAndSong();
I'm trying to fetch related TrackFile and Song objects from a room database using an intermediate data class TrackFileAndSong and store the returned object as LiveData
@Entity(tableName = "track_file_table")
public class TrackFile {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long id;
@ColumnInfo(name = "track_name")
public String trackFileName;
@ColumnInfo(name = "track_path")
public String trackFilePath;
@Entity(tableName = "song_table")
public class Song {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long songId;
@ColumnInfo(name = "Title")
public String songTitle;
@ColumnInfo(name = "Artist")
public String songArtist;
@ColumnInfo(name = "Album Artist")
public String songAlbumArtist;
@ColumnInfo(name = "Album")
public String songAlbum;
@ColumnInfo(name = "Year")
public String songYear;
public long fileId;
public class TrackFileAndSong {
public TrackFile trackFile;
parentColumn = "id",
entityColumn = "fileId"
public Song song;
The error is thrown at this query
@Query("SELECT * FROM song_table ORDER BY Title ASC")
LiveData<List<TrackFileAndSong>> getTrackFileAndSong();
Any help would be appreciated
The reason is that you are saying something along the lines of:-
From the song_table get the List of TrackFileAndSong, which equates to get all the TrackFiles (parents aka Embedded) from the song_table (and then get the song from the song_table the children aka @Relation)
- Obviously there are no TrackFiles in the song_table (so Room is confused as you are telling to to get a TrackFile from a row in the song_table).
So to use TrackFileAndSong then you should be using FROM track_file_table
of course there is no Title column for the ORDER BY clause.
So the following would at least circumvent the error:-
@Query("SELECT * FROM track_file_table")
LiveData<List<TrackFileAndSong>> getTrackFileAndSong();
However, it might be that you really want (for example)
class SongAndTrackFile {
Song song;
entity = TrackFile.class,
parentColumn = "fileId",
entityColumn = "id"
TrackFile trackFile;
- i.e. the @Embedded (the parent) and the @relation (the child) have been swapped.
in which case the following would work:-
@Query("SELECT * FROM song_table ORDER BY Title ASC")
LiveData<List<SongAndTrackFile /*!!!!!<<<<< NOTE CHANGED Type!!!!!*/>> getSongAndTrackFile();
- obviously you wouldn't need the comment added just to indicate the change from the original
Answered By - MikeT
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)