When i checked the crash of my application ,noticed this report
Upload your ProGuard deobfuscation file in order to deobfuscate future stack traces for this APK version. checked this link but didnot understand href="" rel="noreferrer">
As my answer from here, Proguard is one of the main process when you tried to compile an apk (especially when you release the apk to google play store)
Android studio import problems. (Apktool)
To say it in simple way, you can see it how a apk without proguard would be seen by using some reverse engineering technologies
The classes inside apk with proguard would be something like that by using some reverse engineering technologies
You might have the mind now. Even though you used Proguard , the .dex classes could still be decomplied. But the code is almost unreadable if you used Proguard. And if you used some more advanced technologies ( such as Dexguard), they can provide better performance and the code will be more complicated after decompiled the .dex classes.
Answered By - Long Ranger
Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (JavaFixing Admin)