I have a problem saving the Xfinium PDF. I loaded a document and simply draw the line across the page and save. The file generated but when I used that file and loaded back to PdfFixedDocument I have the error
My code is very simple :
var pdf = new PdfFixedDocument (document.Location);
var page = pdf.Pages [pageIndex];
var graphics = page.Graphics;
var directory = FileUtilities.GetExternalPrivateDirectory (PdfCore.CACHE_DIRECTORY);
//var png = FileUtilities.GetFile (directory + "/test.pdf");
//var rawStream = File.OpenWrite (png.AbsolutePath);
var stream = new FileStream (directory + "/test.pdf", FileMode.Create);
pdf.BeginSave (stream);
graphics.DrawLine(new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPen (),
new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPoint (0,0),
new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPoint (page.Width, page.Height));
page.SaveGraphics ();
pdf.EndSave ();
Instead of manually creating the stream and using BeginSave
/ EndSave
, just try using Save
var pdf = new PdfFixedDocument();
var page = pdf.Pages.Add();
var graphics = page.Graphics;
graphics.DrawLine(new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPen(),
new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPoint(0, 0),
new Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfPoint(page.Width, page.Height));
var directory = Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DirectoryDownloads);
pdf.Save(Path.Combine(directory.Path, "test.pdf"));
Java.IO.File pdfFILE = new Java.IO.File(Path.Combine(directory.Path, "test.pdf"));
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
intent.SetDataAndType(Uri.FromFile(pdfFILE), "application/pdf");
Answered By - SushiHangover
Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (JavaFixing Volunteer)