I have a container instance: jenkins, and kubernetes cluster: minikube both running on my local machine. I can't figure out a way to integrate minikube in jenkins. Below is how i set things up.
Setup Minikube
- minikube start
- replace cert and key values in .kube/config with hardcoded data
Setup Jenkins
- docker run --name jenkins -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 --network minikube jenkins/jenkins:lts
Integrate Kubernetes in Jenkins
- install kubernetes plugin
- configure cloud -> add a new cloud -> kubernetes -> kubernetes cloud details
- create credential: secret file, use the file with .kube/config
- click test connection -> Error testing connection : Failed to connect to /{port}
I've been stuck with this problem for a few good days and it's driving me insane. My jenkins instance is already running in the same network with the minikube.
OP was able to use Helmchart to install Jenkins. Using helm chart makes it easier to install as well as manage application deployed on kubernetes.
Answered By - sidharth vijayakumar
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)