I'm learning about retrofit interceptors, for work purposes I'm using dagger-hilt for the injection of dependencies to fragments etc. I wrote a custom interceptor to check for connection errors and I'm trying to add it to the Retrofit.Builder()
fun provideApi(): StoreApi {
return Retrofit.Builder()
however, I have no clue how to pass that:
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient()
as a .client() to the retofit builder (even with dagger-hilt), any ideas?
You can setup a module something like this where you provide all the dependency requirements as functions and exposing them to dagger through @Provides
then leave dagger to provide the dependencies as function arguments to build the dependency graph :
@Module class ApiModule {
internal fun provideApi(retrofit: Retrofit): StoreApi {
return retrofit
internal fun retrofit(client: OkHttpClient): Retrofit =
internal fun client(connectivityInterceptor: ConnectivityInterceptor): OkHttpClient =
internal fun interceptor(): ConnectivityInterceptor = ConnectivityInterceptor()
This is a trivial example based on the supplied code.
Answered By - Mark
Answer Checked By - Terry (JavaFixing Volunteer)