The Git Plugin is installed (by default) in my Jenkins but I'm unable to get the env variables that are supposed to be passed in by the Git Plugin. I'm looking for:
etc. I'm using the Pipeline Job Item that's pointing at a Github repo with the Jenkinsfile with the following code
stage 'PushToProd'
node {
git url: ""
echo "Starting PushToProd"
sh 'printenv'
sh 'env'
sh 'echo $BRANCH_NAME'
sh 'echo $GIT_COMMIT'
I'm getting plenty of environment variables when I use env
or printenv
just not the Github plugin ones.
Any tips on how I can get the Git env variables passed in to the job?
Update: I'm able to easily get the Git env variables when I use a Freestyle Project and have a shell step use echo $GIT_COMMIT
. Still want to know though how to get it to work using Jenkinsfile + Pipeline job item.
This won't work due to lack of double quotes, missing curly braces, and missing env.
sh 'echo $BRANCH_NAME'
This works as expected in a Jenkinsfile:
node {
sh "echo ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
Answered By - Konrad Kleine
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)