This is not one of the many questions about having two projects in the same window, like eclipse. What I want to ask is, is it possible to open 2 projects when you click one. Here is an image to describe what I want to do:
So when I press one of the projects in the red rectangle that it opens both in the rectangle, because I always need a server and a client running at the same time, so I was thinking, maybe there is a way to automate this process and just click one of the two and it opens two.
Use CLI. Add /path/to/
to your PATH
idea ~/dev/a; sleep 1; idea ~/dev/b
Didn't work for me if I didn't sleep.
With JetBrains Toolbox the executable is in a strange place so I use this config in my ~/.bashrc
. You have to update the version number when installing new versions in the toolbox.
export LATEST_IDEA_VERSION_NUMBER="ch-0/173.3531.6/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 2017.3\"
export JETBRAINS_TOOLBOX_ROOT="${HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps"
alias idea="open -a ${LATEST_IDEA_VERSION_CLI}"
For other platforms see:
Answered By - vaughan
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)