So in my application there is an entity
data class SomeEntity(
val name: String,
@Convert(converter =SpecConverter::class)
val spec: Spec,
val createdAt: LocalDateTime? = null,
val updatedAt: LocalDateTime? = null,
It works fine while saving as all I need to do is (
but how would I manage to run update queries for updating the spec of the entity, I tried doing this but it keeps giving me error
@Query("update some_entity e set e.spec = :spec where name = :name")
fun updateReferralProgram(name: String, spec: Spec): Unit
The error I was getting was
Caused by: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: some_entity is not mapped [update some_entity e set e.spec = :spec where name = :name ]
In HQL query, you should write your Entity class name instead of Table name in your query like:
@Query("update SomeEntity e set e.spec = :spec where name = :name")
Answered By - Abolfazl Mohajeri
Answer Checked By - Katrina (JavaFixing Volunteer)