I have this FireBase database structure an really would love to have the key like this example:
"US": {
"name": "United States",
"US/California/Orange County/Orange/3138 E Maple Ave": "-K1234567"
"US/California/Orange County/Orange/3139 E Maple Ave": "-K12334rt"
"US/California/Orange County/Orange/3140 E Maple Ave": "-K1234r34"
Because the key is unique it´s a really good idea if it wasn't for the Firebase forbidden database characters:
. (period)
$ (dollar sign)
[ (left square bracket)
] (right square bracket)
(hash or pound sign)
/ (forward slash)
The California
path that the above key consist of comes from Google Places api, and I wonder if any more of the forbidden database characters can pop up, and how to counteract this from blowing up when a future key have a # or $.
I also need a way to work with this key like:
String[] split = theKey.split("/");
If I replace the (forward slash) what should I use, or how can a do this in another way maybe. Does Google Places api´s autocomplete result have any of the forbidden database characters?
I could do like:
// test for . $ # [ ] / and replace them
public static String removeInvalidChars(String text) {
text = text.replace(".", "");
text = text.replace("$", "");
text = text.replace("#", "");
text = text.replace("[", "");
text = text.replace("]", "");
text = text.replace("/", "");
return text;
With this removeInvalidChars
it will blow up I think, feels like I loose control over the key structure:
"US/California/Orange County/Orange/3138 E Maple Ave"
Maybe should I create s separate root node where a hash version of the above path is stored. Then I save the Hashes like :
"US": {
"name": "United States",
"sadsasasjkinIGhGVBJKHBHIUOuijHdBJLI": "US/California/Orange County/Orange/3138 E Maple Ave",
"KJHGjgh67HGCFhgvhjbIuiokkBHJbkjhBkj": "US/California/Orange County/Orange/3139 E Maple Ave",
"LKJHNJHKHky7y78gHGHGJ675JHJHdbHJBjh": "US/California/Orange County/Orange/3139 E Maple Ave"
Hey maybe that´s the what do you think?
Most developers store encoded values in the keys. The most common one is when storing email addresses, in which case they escape the .
in the email address with a ,
"puf@firebaseui,com": true
In your case I see two main options:
- Encoded the offending characters in the key.
- Filter the offending characters from the key.
Filtering is definitely simpler, but is non-reversible: you can never get the exact value back from the key in that case.
Encoding is reversible. For example: we could get the email address back from the previous example by converting the ,
back into a .
. Since a ,
can never occur in an email address, the conversion is lossless and reversible
Answered By - Frank van Puffelen
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)