I'm trying to deploy a library to Maven Central (which I have done many times before) but in this case it contains many different publications for different platforms. The upload by the maven-publish
plugin works but I end up with multiple repositories in Sonatype with each repository containing a subset of the files:
As a result, I cannot close the repositories because some files are always missing (only all repositories together contain all files needed to pass Sonatype's validation).
The Sonatype documentation says:
A separate staging repository is created for every combination of User ID, IP Address, and User Agent. (
All three parameters are identical for the created repositories though so it should create a single one. This happens when publishing locally and also when publishing from a Github action.
The repo is here:
This is the publish script:
Any help is highly appreciated!
In your
, you have org.gradle.parallel=true
I had the same issue and resolved it by setting it to false
for publishing.
You can do so on the command line by publishing with
./gradlew publish -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false
Apparently, sonatype does not play well with gradle parallel builds.
Answered By - Raibaz
Answer Checked By - Terry (JavaFixing Volunteer)