In my application, when the user clicks on a "Register" button, the RegisterActivity is launched. Once the user fills in the form, the details are posted to a web service and if registration succeeds, RegisterActivity finishes with RESULT_OK
. This is summarized in the code sample below:
public void submitRegistration() {
showProgressDialog(R.string.registration, R.string.please_wait);
getWebApi().register(buildRegistrationFromUI(), new Callback<ApiResponse>() {
public void success(ApiResponse apiResponse, Response response) {
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
Using Espresso, how can I check that the activity finished with setResult(RESULT_OK)
Please note: I do NOT want to create a mock intent. I want to check the intent result status.
All the setResult(...) method does is to change the values of fields in the Activity class
public final void setResult(int resultCode, Intent data) {
synchronized (this) {
mResultCode = resultCode;
mResultData = data;
So we can use Java Reflection to access the mResultCode field to test if the value has indeed been set to RESULT_OK.
public ActivityTestRule<ContactsActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(
public void testResultOk() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
Field f = Activity.class.getDeclaredField("mResultCode"); //NoSuchFieldException
int mResultCode = f.getInt(mActivityRule.getActivity());
assertTrue("The result code is not ok. ", mResultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK);
Answered By - Eric Liu
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)