I am working on multi module maven project. I am doing java upgrade from 8 to 11. I am facing below error when i do 'mvn clean install'.
[INFO] --- aspectj-maven-plugin:1.14.0:compile (default) @ module-1 ---
[INFO] Showing AJC message detail for messages of types: [error, warning, fail]
[WARNING] couldn't find aspectjrt.jar on classpath, checked: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/jrt-fs.jar:/home/.m2/repository/org/motechproject/motech-platform-osgi-extender-fragment/0.27.8/motech-platform-osgi-extender-fragment-0.27.8.jar:/home/.m2/repository/javax/servlet/javax.servlet-api/3.1.0/javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar:
Even though 'aspectjrt-1.9.7.jar' is present in m2 folder(path: '/home/.m2/repository/org/aspectj/aspectjrt/1.9.7').
Here is aspectj-maven-plugin which i am using in every module.
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>com.sun</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>tools</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>8</version>-->
<!-- <scope>system</scope>-->
<!-- <systemPath>${project.basedir}/pom.xml</systemPath>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
I could find the cause of this warning. Please help me.
, as the "rt" (runtime) in the name implies, is a runtime library, which is necessary in order to run aspect-enhanced code. Therefore, you need to make it a regular compile dependency in your POM, not configure it as a dependency for the AspectJ Maven Plugin. The latter one has aspectjtools
as a dependency already, which encapsulates both the compiler and the runtime. But your compiled code still needs this directly under project → dependencies
on top level in the POM, not nested in project → build → plugins → plugin → dependencies
Whatever ${aspectj.version}
might be in your case.
Answered By - kriegaex
Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (JavaFixing Volunteer)