I am executing an .exe-file from java, using the ProcessBuilder class and the rel="noreferrer">Process class. To explain what I am doing:
builder = new ProcessBuilder(commands);
Process process = builder.start();
I just wanted to know, for how long is "waitFor()" waiting? Is it waiting until my .exe is executed, or is it waiting till its execution is finished?
My .exe is a compiled AutoIt-script. That means, that there could be interactions like mouse movements, which take some time. So I need to know if my Java-code execution goes on after calling the .exe or if it is really waiting for it.
What I want to achieve is the rotational execution of two scripts, but I'm afraid, that my Java code is executing the second script while the first one is still running. Has anyone a workaround for this? I am glad for any ideas.
Your current execution thread will be blocked on process.waitFor()
until process is terminated (i.e. execution finished).
Source here
Also note that if process is already terminated : waitFor() will not be blocked. I don't know if the code you put in your question is exactly what you run... but you must be careful and re-create a new instance of Process for every execution of your script (i.e. not just calling start multiple times on the same Process: it won't work after first execution)
Answered By - ben75
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)