- I use the liquibase-maven-plugin to generate the database migration scripts.
- But liquibase generates the UUID id fields as BINARY(255).
- This in itself is not a problem as the IDs for new entities are generated by hibernate. So database support for uuid is not required.
- but my problem now are the sample data in csv files, in which I have to insert the uuid as binary.
So I see 2 possible solutions for my problem:
- let liquibase-maven-plugin generate the UUID fields as real UUID database fields.
- tell liquibase to transform the uuid in my csv files into binary before inserting.
Does anyone know how to perform either 1. or 2. ?
Or is there even a 3. option I am not aware of ?
java entity
public class TestEntity {
private UUID id;
private String name;
change set generated by liquibase-maven-plugin
- changeSet:
id: 1638440755794-7
- createTable:
- column:
nullable: false
primaryKey: true
name: id
type: BINARY(255)
- column:
name: name
type: VARCHAR(255)
tableName: test_entity
sample-data.csv - NOT WORKING
sample-data.csv - WORKING
Faced the same problem when using PostgreSQL. I decided by specifying an explicit dialect in the liquibase-maven-plugin settings.
Answered By - Dmitry Fatyanov
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)