I'm building an app with Flutter and I need to use some Python code. For that I use the Starflut plugin ( I succeed to run the Python code, no issue here, but I want to import extra package.
To do so, I created a virtual environment where my app is located, then I downloaded by the pip installer numpy, cv2 and Pillow, still no issue there, the downloading went fine.
But, when I try to import numpy for example, my IDE (Visual Studio Code) tell me that there's an error :
Unable to import 'numpy'
So here's my main.dart code (the only dart file, it's a test app):
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:starflut/starflut.dart';
void main() => runApp(Main());
class Main extends StatefulWidget {
_MainState createState() => _MainState();
class _MainState extends State<Main> {
var _outputString = '';
StarSrvGroupClass srvGroup;
dynamic python;
_MainState() {
void showOutput(String info) async {
if (info == null || info.length == 0) return;
_outputString = info;
setState(() {});
void _initStarCore() async {
StarCoreFactory starcore = await Starflut.getFactory();
StarServiceClass service =
await starcore.initSimple("test", "123", 0, 0, []);
String resPath = await Starflut.getResourcePath();
await starcore.regMsgCallBackP(
(int serviceGroupID, int uMsg, Object wParam, Object lParam) async {
if (uMsg == Starflut.MSG_DISPMSG || uMsg == Starflut.MSG_DISPLUAMSG) {
print("$serviceGroupID $uMsg $wParam $lParam");
return null;
srvGroup = await service["_ServiceGroup"];
bool isAndroid = await Starflut.isAndroid();
if (isAndroid == true) {
String libraryDir = await Starflut.getNativeLibraryDir();
String docPath = await Starflut.getDocumentPath();
if (libraryDir.indexOf("arm64") > 0) {
Starflut.unzipFromAssets("", docPath, true);
} else if (libraryDir.indexOf("x86_64") > 0) {
Starflut.unzipFromAssets("", docPath, true);
} else if (libraryDir.indexOf("arm") > 0) {
Starflut.unzipFromAssets("", docPath, true);
} else {
Starflut.unzipFromAssets("", docPath, true);
await Starflut.copyFileFromAssets("",
"flutter_assets/starfiles", null); //desRelatePath must be null
await Starflut.copyFileFromAssets(
"", "flutter_assets/starfiles", "flutter_assets/starfiles");
if (await srvGroup.initRaw("python36", service) == true) {
_outputString = "init starcore and python 3.6 successfully";
} else {
_outputString = "init starcore and python 3.6 failed";
await srvGroup.loadRawModule("python", "",
resPath + "/flutter_assets/starfiles/" + "", false);
python = await service.importRawContext("python", "", false, "");
setState(() {
// This call to setState tells the Flutter framework that something has
// changed in this State, which causes it to rerun the build method below
// so that the display can reflect the updated values. If we changed
// _counter without calling setState(), then the build method would not be
// called again, and so nothing would appear to happen.
void runScriptCode() async {
var result = await"multiply", [5, 2]);
_outputString = result.toString();
setState(() {});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: FlatButton(
child: Text(_outputString),
onPressed: () {
and my Python file:
import numpy as np # (to test)
def multiply(a, b):
return a*b
Here's my tree structure if it can help: The tree structure of my Flutter project
Hopping you can help me.
Thanks in advance !
You can use chaquopy plugin for flutter, if you want to integrate python packages inside your android app.
Answered By - Jay Dangar
Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (JavaFixing Volunteer)