Here is a projects with issues:
public class Project {
private UUID id;
@Formula("(select max(Issue.number) from Issue where Issue.project_id = id)")
private int maxIssueNumber;
public int getMaxIssueNumber() {
return maxIssueNumber;
@Table(uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "project_id", "number" }) })
public class Issue {
private UUID id;
private Project project;
private Integer number;
public void setProject(Project project) {
this.project = project;
public Integer getNumber() {
return number;
void prePersist() {
number = project.getMaxIssueNumber() + 1;
I need to assign sequential numbers for each issue per project. Like Jira does. The code above doesn't work. If I persist two issues maxIssueNumber
is zero:
void numberIsIncremented() {
Project project = new Project();
Issue issue = new Issue();
Issue issue2 = new Issue();
issueRepository.saveAndFlush(issue2); // fail, unique constraint violated
Issue foundIssue = issueRepository.getById(issue.getId());
assertEquals(1, foundIssue.getNumber()); // success
Issue foundIssue2 = issueRepository.getById(issue2.getId());
assertEquals(2, foundIssue2.getNumber()); // fail, number = 1 (if unique constraint is disabled)
Could you please suggest how to fix it? Or maybe I should use another approach?
Another approach is to persist maxIssueNumber
. But it's an extra column, and I'll have to update projects on issue insertion. And also it seems non-trivial to implement as well.
Maybe there is a database-level approach like triggers, etc. I use PosgreSQL. Or custom issue insert SQL statement. But it looks too complicated.
One more approach is to query maximum number using an entity repository and set issue number explicitly. But maybe it's possible to implement it on the entity level?
The only working solution I found is to customize save() methods on repository level:
public interface IssueRepository extends JpaRepository<Issue, UUID>, IssueRepositoryExtension {
default <S extends Issue> S saveAndFlush(S entity) {
return extendedSaveAndFlush(entity);
// Similar for save(), saveAll(), saveAllAndFlush()
public interface IssueRepositoryExtension {
<S extends Issue> S extendedSaveAndFlush(S entity);
// Similar for save(), saveAll(), saveAllAndFlush()
public class IssueRepositoryExtensionImpl implements IssueRepositoryExtension {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public <S extends Issue> S extendedSaveAndFlush(S entity) {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(
"select max(number) from Issue issue where = ?1");
query.setParameter(1, entity.getProject().getId());
Object result = query.getSingleResult();
int maxIssueNumber = result != null ? (int) result : 0;
entity.setNumber(maxIssueNumber + 1);
return entity;
// Similar for save(), saveAll(), saveAllAndFlush()
Answered By - Denis
Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (JavaFixing Volunteer)