There is windows process which is actually a java application (java.exe). I need to close it from within other java application (other running .jar) which is probably will also be named as java.exe
in windows taskbar.
To do the task we would normally do it this way
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(KILL + serviceName); // where serviceName is a `java.exe`
But there would be some java.exe
processes in windows taskbar. So how to find the one I need? In this case it is forum.jar
Actually this jar was started from .bat file (if it makes any difference) - it is process.bat
as it seen in the screenshot.
You could run
wmic process where caption="java.exe" get commandline,description,processid
to get the list of processes and their associated command line like in your screenshot. Then you get the ID of the command you want to kill and kill it with taskkill /pid xxx
Answered By - assylias
Answer Checked By - Katrina (JavaFixing Volunteer)