I want to set FileChooser
dialog preferred size. For now, it cannot be set and just appears with fixed size always (occupied with almost full screen). I can't find resizing method in FileChooser
intance and even control dialog after it appears.
I don't think that this is possible. The documentation of FileChooser states
Provides support for standard platform file dialogs. (...) The configuration of the displayed dialog is controlled by the values of the FileChooser properties set before the corresponding show*Dialog method is called. This configuration includes the dialog's title, the initial directory displayed in the dialog and the extension filter(s) for the listed files.
The popup dialog is provided by your operating system, so it cannot be customized directly. Your only option is using the bit of API that the FileChooser class itself provides. Since JavaFX is a cross platform UI framework, the customization options probably have been limited to the ones that are supported natively by all major platforms.
If you absolutely must customize the file chooser, you can try to embed a Swing JFileChooser in your JavaFX app.
Answered By - Duff
Answer Checked By - Dawn Plyler (JavaFixing Volunteer)