In hibernate for columns annotated with @Column(unique = true) we get an exception when trying to insert a duplicate value for that column.
2022-07-31 19:47:18.112 ERROR 14372 --- [io-8080-exec-10] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : Duplicate entry ' someValue' for key 'business.UK_3h6o7iww8015m4q3yffbkqtrw'
So from the above log, I know that business is the table in which I am inputting a duplicate value.
Is there a way to know in which column the duplicate value is getting inserted into? Since a single table can have multiple unique columns.
You can check the SQL for the table creation:
show create table business;
or you can run the following query:
from information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
where TABLE_NAME = 'business' and CONSTRAINT_NAME='UK_3h6o7iww8015m4q3yffbkqtrw'
Answered By - Davide D'Alto
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)