So, I have a list of dates that is something like this:
List<String> dates = ["2012-05-16", "2012-05-18", "2012-06-19", "2013-01-18", "2013-01-10", "2013-08-05", "2010-07-10"...]
The list goes on with like 100 dates and I want to retrieve all the years that exists on the list. (to get a result like this)
List<String> years = ["2012", "2013", "2010"...]
Use a substring to split the first 4 characters of each item out. It will leave you with the year
for (String s : dates) {
String year = s.subString(0,5);
or you could use the .split() method
String year = s.split("-")[0];
Upon further clarification, the question was to get unique years in the array list.
This can be done by passing the arraylist into a Set which does not accept duplicate values and then passing the set back into the array
// add elements to al, including duplicates
Set<String> hs = new HashSet<>();
From How do I remove repeated elements from ArrayList?
Answered By - Isaac
Answer Checked By - Willingham (JavaFixing Volunteer)