I need to create a multitenanacy application with ability to switch between schemas inside my java-code (not based on a user request).
I've read articles: rel="noreferrer"> Solution works fine, when the schema is passed in Rest-request.
However I need to implement the following logic:
public void compare(String originalSchema, String secondSchema){
List<MyObject> originalData = myRepository.findData();
List<MyObject> migratedData = myRepository.findData();
The point is, that connection is not switched, when I manually set up TenenantContext. MultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl.getConnection is invoked only on the first call to my repository.
public class MultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl implements MultiTenantConnectionProvider {
public Connection getConnection(String tenantIdentifier) throws SQLException {
final Connection connection = getAnyConnection();
try {
connection.createStatement().execute( "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = " + tenantIdentifier );
catch ( SQLException e ) {
throw new HibernateException(
"Could not alter JDBC connection to specified schema [" + tenantIdentifier + "]",e);
return connection;
Is it possible to force switching sessions?
Found a hard-coded solution.
public class DatabaseSessionManager {
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
public void bindSession() {
if (!TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(entityManagerFactory)) {
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(entityManagerFactory, new EntityManagerHolder(entityManager));
public void unbindSession() {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager
Each block, loading data in a new tenantContext should execute the following:
//execute selects
Answered By - Ermintar
Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (JavaFixing Volunteer)