The code I am looking at fetches a database row as a Hibernate entity object. One of the fields is a TIMESTAMP(6) in Oracle database.
From the code it looks like it is returned as java.util.Date. When I print the variable I see the following:
DATE: >>>>>>>>>> 2022-08-04 10:27:02.947073
Can anyone explain what is the fraction after the seconds field?
Microseconds within the second. So, it was 94.7% done with the second second in the 27th minute, etc. Yes, j.u.Date
stores up to milliseconds. In fact, it's not a date at all, it stores an instant in time (which cannot be turned into a date unless we know exactly in which timezone we are).
Answered By - rzwitserloot
Answer Checked By - Terry (JavaFixing Volunteer)