I have been trying to modify my schema for some time now; by making changes to the model definition in SpringBoot.
I have also commndLineRunner which would populate the table with some sample data. For some Reason I have not been able to add Columns to my Existing Table.
I did execute an alter table command which is not reasonable and practical most times;( this solved the problem once; but I don't want to resort to this any more ).
I get the feeling this has more to do with the definition of the JPA properties in my SpringBoot MicroService. This looks like this :
spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size=30 = true
And this is the error that I am seeing when I execute my SpringBoot Application:
Hibernate: alter table if exists public.package_definition add column no_of_email_review_requests int4 not null
Error executing DDL "alter table if exists public.package_definition add column no_of_email_review_requests int4 not null" via JDBC Statement
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "no_of_email_review_requests" contains null values
This is the additional Column that I am trying to add into my Entity:
private int noOfEmailReviewRequests;
Edit Sharing Entity Class:
public class PackageDefinition {
private String id;
private SubscriptionType type;
private int noOfSMSReviewRequests;
private int noOfFunnelPages;
private Integer noOfEmailReviewRequests;
Edit :
There seem to be 2 issues here, but both corresponding to the same table and the column addition/modification. I have renamed the following column in the table has been renamed:
no_review_requests to no_of_sms_review_requests --> this is throwing an error
And the folloing column has been added :
private Integer noOfEmailReviewRequests;
At default configurations, You cannot add new column with @NotNull
annotation, if you have any data at this table.
There are 2 solutions:
- Add
to your - Add column and run without
annotation. After that, add@NotNull
annotation to your entity.
I am not sure 2nd option but first one is totally working solution.
Edit: You can also define the new column with default value like @Column(columnDefinition = "int default 100")
Answered By - gokdeemir
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)