I have a problem with building 2d Unity game on android. (Unity version: 2019.4.33f1)
In the window 'Build Settings' i choose platdorm 'Android' and it says 'No Android module loaded'.
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However when i press the button 'Install with Unity Hub' I see that all adroid staffs already installed.
Also in the tab 'Preferences' I can't see anroid modules.
I also experienced some difficulties with Unity locating my installed modules before.
If what Thomas Finet suggested above doesn't work and your AndroidPlayer path (Unity/2019.xx.xx/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer) is populated, try changing the install location of your Unity Editor.
I started using D:Editor/ for my Unity Editor version installs (e.g D:\Editor\2020.1.17f1) after having issues about "long folder path" and "non-english characters"
Answered By - Berkan Özgür
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)