Goal: To get a ViewText resource and edit it from an activity, using a mutable string (because then the string can be changed to alter other ViewTexts in the same function).
Context: I'm making a grid using TableRows and TextViews that can be altered to form a sort of map that can be generated from an array.
Issue: The binding command does not recognise strings. See my comment "PROBLEM HERE".
Tried: getResources.getIdentifier but I've been told that reduces performance drastically.
An excerpt from gridmap.xml
package com.example.arandomadventure
import android.R
import android.os.Bundle
import com.example.arandomadventure.databinding.GridmapBinding
class GridMap : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//sets the binding and assigns it to view
val binding: GridmapBinding = GridmapBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
val view = binding.root
//creates a string variable
var cellID = "cell1"
//uses binding to set the background colour to teal
binding.cellID.setBackgroundResource(R.color.teal_200) //<- PROBLEM HERE (Unresolved Reference)
//getResources.getIdentifier is not an option as it degrades performance on a larger scale
A binding object is just an autogenerated class, whose class members are defined by the views in your layout XML. You can't add or access a field on a class with the syntax you showed - binding classes are no different from any other class. If you wanted to be able to access them by name, you could load them into a map
val viewMap = mapOf(
"cell1" to binding.cell1,
"cell2" to binding.cell2,
"cell3" to binding.cell3
then you can use the map to access them by name
var cellID = "cell1"
If you want the map to be a class member, you can set it like this
private lateinit var viewMap: Map<String,View>
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewMap = mapOf(
"cell1" to binding.cell1,
"cell2" to binding.cell2,
"cell3" to binding.cell3
If your layout has hundreds of views and this becomes cumbersome, you may want to consider adding the views programmatically instead.
If you want to do this a more ugly, but more automatic way you can use reflection. To do this you need to add this gradle dependency:
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.7.0"
then you can build up the map programmatically with all views in the binding.
val viewMap = mutableMapOf<String,View>()
GridmapBinding::class.members.forEach {
try {
val view = as? View
view?.let { v ->
viewMap[] = v
catch(e: Exception) {
// skip things that can't be called
Or you can use this to call a method (keep in mind this will throw if no such class member exists):
var cellID = "cell1"
val view = GridmapBinding::class.members.filter { == cellID }[0].call(binding)
Answered By - Tyler V
Answer Checked By - Katrina (JavaFixing Volunteer)