How to navigate from specific selested item RecyclerView Inside the Fragment, to 2 different Activity in Kotlin?
src="" alt="Basic Layout Wireframe, and guide of what I want to ask" />
i have the basic wireframe layout, who describe my question, because i don't know how to explain with good typing.
so here from the wireframe, i have 1 Activity with TabLayout, which is filled with Fragment and there is a RecyclerView in it. And then I have 2 more different Activities. for now, i've successfully implemented data parsing to "OtherActivity1" from RecyclerView inside the fragment TabLayout on MainActivity.
But now, i need to open "OtherActivity2" from the same RecyclerView on Main Activity, what i mean here is specifically only from "RecyclerView Item4" and without data parsing.
How To Doing That?
Anyone have a tutorial?, because i can't find any tutorials like on youtube for this case.
and this my sample code ( not exactly the same, but describing the same meaning) :
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setUpTabs() // Assign TabLayout
} // End - OnCreate
// Start - TabLayout
private fun setUpTabs() {
val adapter = ViewPagerAdapter(supportFragmentManager)
adapter.addFragment(TAB1Fragment(), "TAB1")
adapter.addFragment(TAB2Fragment(), "TAB2")
adapter.addFragment(TAB3Fragment(), "TAB3")
viewPager_tabLayout.adapter = adapter
} // End - TabLayout
} // End Class
class TAB1Fragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var tab1Adapter: TAB1Adapter // Initialize Adapter
private val sLM = StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2, StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL) // Initialize LayoutManager
val addTAB1ModelList: MutableList<TAB1Model> = ArrayList() // Initialize ListModel
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_tab1, container, false)
} // End onCreateView
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
initViewTAB1() // Assign ListModel putExtras
actionTAB1() // Assign Action putExtras
} // End - OnViewCreated
// Start - ListModel putExtras
fun initViewTAB1() {
rv_tab1.layoutManager = sLM
tab1Adapter = TAB1Adapter(requireActivity())
rv_tab1.adapter = tab1Adapter
addTAB1ModelList.add(TAB1Model("RecyclerView Item1", "Desc RecyclerView Item1", R.drawable.cv1))
addTAB1ModelList.add(TAB1Model("RecyclerView Item2", "Desc RecyclerView Item1", R.drawable.cv2))
addTAB1ModelList.add(TAB1Model("RecyclerView Item3", "Desc RecyclerView Item1", R.drawable.cv3))
addTAB1ModelList.add(TAB1Model("RecyclerView Item4", "Desc RecyclerView Item1", R.drawable.cv4))
// End - ListModel putExtras
// Start - Action putExtras
fun actionTAB1() {
tab1Adapter.setOnClickItemListenerTAB1(object : OnItemClickListener {
override fun onItemClick(item: View, position: Int) {
var i = Intent(context,
i.putExtra("prodNameTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdNameTAB1())
i.putExtra("prodPriceTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdPriceTAB1())
i.putExtra("prodImgTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdImgTAB1())
// End - Action putExtras
} // End - Class
class TAB1Model {
private var prodNameTAB1: String // Initialize prodNameTAB1
private var prodPriceTAB1: String // Initialize prodPriceTAB1
private var prodImgTAB1: Int // Initialize prodImgTAB1
constructor (prodNameTAB1: String, prodPriceTAB1: String, prodImgTAB1: Int) {
this.prodNameTAB1 = prodNameTAB1 // Assign prodNameTAB1
this.prodPriceTAB1 = prodPriceTAB1 // Assign prodPriceTAB1
this.prodImgTAB1 = prodImgTAB1 // Assign prodImgTAB1
// Start - ProdNameTAB1
fun getProdNameTAB1(): String {
return prodNameTAB1
fun setProdNameTAB1(prodNameTAB1: String) {
this.prodNameTAB1 = prodNameTAB1
// End - ProdNameTAB1
// Start - prodPriceTAB1
fun getProdPriceTAB1(): String {
return prodPriceTAB1
fun setProdPriceTAB1(prodPriceTAB1: String) {
this.prodPriceTAB1 = prodPriceTAB1
// End - prodPriceTAB1
// Start - prodImgTAB1
fun getProdImgTAB1(): Int {
return prodImgTAB1
fun setprodImgTAB1(prodImgTAB1: Int) {
this.prodImgTAB1 = prodImgTAB1
// End - prodImgTAB1
} // End Class
class TAB1Adapter(private val context: Context) : RecyclerView.Adapter<TAB1Adapter.TAB1ViewHolder>() {
private val tab1Model: MutableList<TAB1Model> = mutableListOf() // Initialize tab1Model
private lateinit var onSelectedListenerTAB1: OnItemClickListener // Initialize tab1Listener
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): TAB1ViewHolder {
return TAB1ViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.item_tab1_layout, parent, false))
} //End - onCreateViewHolder
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return tab1Model.size
} // End - getItem
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: TAB1ViewHolder, position: Int) {
} //End - onBindViewHolder
//Start - setTAB1Model
fun setTAB1(data: List<TAB1Model>) {
//End - setTAB1Model
// Start - getTAB1Model
fun getTAB1(): MutableList<TAB1Model> {
return tab1Model
// End - getTAB1Model
// Start - TAB1ViewHolder
inner class TAB1ViewHolder(tab1view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(tab1view) {
val imgProdTAB1 = tab1view.findViewById<ImageView>(
val cvTAB1: MaterialCardView = tab1view.findViewById(
fun tab1BindView(tab1Model: TAB1Model) {
init {
cvTAB1.setOnClickListener { onSelectedListenerTAB1.onItemClick(it, layoutPosition) }
// End - TAB1ViewHolder
// Start - setOnClickItemListenerTAB1
fun setOnClickItemListenerTAB1(onItemClickListener: OnItemClickListener) {
this.onSelectedListenerTAB1 = onItemClickListener
// End - setOnClickItemListenerTAB1
class OtherAtivity1 : AppCompatActivity() {
var prodBundle : Bundle? = null // Initialize Bundle
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
initView() // Assign Extras Reciver
} // End - OnCreate
// Start - Extras Reciver
fun initView() {
prodBundle = intent.extras
phtv_ProdName.text = prodBundle?.getString( "prodNameTAB1" )
phtv_ProdPrice.text = prodBundle?.getString( "prodPriceTAB1" )
prodBundle?.getInt("prodImgTAB1")?.let { ph_ivProd.setImageResource(it) }
// End - Extras Reciver
} // End - Class
class OtherAtivity2 : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
} // End - OnCreate
} // End - Class
interface OnItemClickListener {
fun onItemClick(item: View, position:Int)
I hope someone help me solve this problem. Thank you so much for taking your time to help me. :)
You get the position in OnItemClickListener callback and can check the position if it's 3 then intent to OtherActivity2
object : OnItemClickListener {
override fun onItemClick(item: View, position: Int) {
lateinit var i: Intent
if (position == 3) {
i = Intent(context,
} else {
i = Intent(context,
i.putExtra("prodNameTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdNameTAB1())
i.putExtra("prodPriceTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdPriceTAB1())
i.putExtra("prodImgTAB1", tab1Adapter.getTAB1().get(position).getProdImgTAB1())
But you'd better pass the model through the intent
First make TAB1Model parcelable then
i.putExtra("foo", tab1Model);
and you can get your model in your OtherActivity:
val tab1Model = intent.getParcelableExtra<TAB1Model>("foo")
Answered By - Hamed Goharshad
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)