I have a dropdown list, status: having 4 states( Estimated, budgetted, processed, finished). Each unique ID has a possibility to have one of these these 4 status values I use thymeleaf to display all the status values dynamically.
Now the requirement is to open a particular ID, and then update the status. BEfore doing so, it should show the current value of the status( from the db).
I pass the required information from my controller class:
StatusTable st = new StatusTable();
List<String>statusValues = st.getAllStatus();
String status = st.getStatus(100); //Herre the status is processed
model.addAttribute("statusdef", statusval)
model.addAttribute("status", statusValues )
return "form.html";
<html xmlns:th=""
<div th:fragment="editdata">
<div class="container-md">
<a style="font-weight: bold">Edit the Status</a>
<div class="row justify-content-md-end">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-2">
<div class="col-3">
<select class="form-select" aria-label="Default select example"
name="status" th:selected ="${statusdef}" required>
<option th:each="statusvalue : ${status}"
When I do this, I see that it does not show the default value (processed), it shows the firstvalue (Estimated) I want it to show "processed".. Any suggestions?
You are using th:seleceted at wrong place, it must be with option tag and must evaluate to true, like below -
<select class="form-select" aria-label="Default select example"
name="status" required>
<option th:each="statusvalue : ${status}"
th:selected ="${statusdef==statusvalue}"
Answered By - tomar
Answer Checked By - Terry (JavaFixing Volunteer)