I made a calculator app and I made a clear
Button that clears the TextView.
private TextView _screen;
private String display = "";
private void clear() {
display = "";
currentOperator = "";
result = "";
I got this code from Tutorial and set the clear button onClick
to onClickClear
, so it do that part of the code and it works. Now I have made this code delete only one number at a time and it don't work. What can be done to delete only one number at a time?
public void onClickdel(View v) {
display = "";
Below code will delete one char from textView.
String display = textView.getText().toString();
if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(display)) {
display = display.substring(0, display.length() - 1);
Answered By - Muthukrishnan Rajendran
Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (JavaFixing Admin)