Take for example the menu items from the edit menu in JavaFX Scene Builder
See how they display the shortcuts on the right? Is there any easy way to achieve the same effect using JavaFX? Thanks.
You can add an accelerator key in scene builder or add it directly in the fxml file like so
<?import javafx.scene.input.*?>
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="true" onAction="#mnuSaveAction" text="" fx:id="mnuSave">
<KeyCodeCombination alt="UP" code="S" control="DOWN" meta="UP" shift="UP" shortcut="UP" />
has two constructors, second example:
<MenuItem text="Renommer..." onAction="#rename" mnemonicParsing="true">
<KeyCodeCombination code="F2"><modifiers></modifiers></KeyCodeCombination>
If by "in javafx" you mean without using fxml you can use mnuSave.setAccelerator(KeyCombination);
Answered By - brian
Answer Checked By - David Goodson (JavaFixing Volunteer)