I'm trying to implement a list with a button on its bottom, like the following:
Since I don't know how many items I would have on the list, I'm using a LazyColumn
. The button on the bottom, should only be placed there if the list doesn't fill the entire screen, if it does, the button should be moved down and be the last item on the list.
Moving the button inside the LazyColumn
like this:
LazyColumn(...) {
items(items) { item -> ...}
item { Button() }
Gives the following:
I tried to add a Spacer
with fillMaxHeight()
modifier as an item between the two but it didn't change.
I also tried to add both the LazyColumn
and the Button
inside a column:
Column {
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
) {
items(items) { item -> ...}
But this only anchors the button on the bottom as if the Column
was a LinearLayout
Considering this, would it be possible to align one of the LazyColumn
's items so it will always be on the bottom? Or, add some kind of space that fill the available area?
As stated in this closed issue it's possible to use LazyColumn
's verticalArrangement
parameter to align the last item on the bottom by implementing Arrangement.Vertical
LazyColumn(verticalArrangement = remember {
object : Arrangement.Vertical {
override fun Density.arrange(
totalSize: Int,
sizes: IntArray,
outPositions: IntArray
) {
var currentOffset = 0
sizes.forEachIndexed { index, size ->
if (index == sizes.lastIndex) {
outPositions[index] = totalSize - size
} else {
outPositions[index] = currentOffset
currentOffset += size
If you want to use it with spacedBy
on the verticalArrangement
parameter, as I was, you could use the following:
fun spacedByWithFooter(space: Dp) = object : Arrangement.Vertical {
override val spacing = space
override fun Density.arrange(
totalSize: Int,
sizes: IntArray,
outPositions: IntArray,
) {
if (sizes.isEmpty()) return
val spacePx = space.roundToPx()
var occupied = 0
var lastSpace = 0
sizes.forEachIndexed { index, size ->
if (index == sizes.lastIndex) {
outPositions[index] = totalSize - size
} else {
outPositions[index] = min(occupied, totalSize - size)
lastSpace = min(spacePx, totalSize - outPositions[index] - size)
occupied = outPositions[index] + size + lastSpace
occupied -= lastSpace
Answered By - Arthur Bertemes
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)