I have the following schema in my application (simplified for ease)
data class Server(
val serverId: Long,
val serverDescription: String
@PrimaryKey(siteServerId, siteSiteId)
data class Site(
val siteServerId: Long,
val siteSiteId: Int,
val siteDescription: String
@PrimaryKey(groupServerId, groupGroupId)
data class Group(
val groupServerId: Long,
val groupSiteId: Int,
val groupGroupId: Int,
val groupDescription: String
@PrimaryKey(messageServerId, messageId)
data class Message(
val messageServerId: Long,
val messageId: String,
val messageGroupId: Int,
val messageBody: String,
val messageReadStatus: Boolean
I want to show in the UI a list as the following example
Server Description 1
Site 1 -> UnReadMessages 8
Group 1 -> UnReadMessages 5
Group 2 -> UnReadMessages 3
Site 2 -> UnReadMessages 5
Group 3 -> unReadMessages 1
Group 4 -> unReadMessages 4
Server Description 2
Site 1 -> UnReadMessages 4
Group 1 -> UnReadMessages 1
Group 5 -> UnReadMessages 3
The Servers are the different Accounts that i have. There is a possibility that i could be in the same (SiteID, GroupID) from 2 Servers.
In order to achieve this i have the following pojos
data class SiteItem(
val site: Site,
@Relation(entity = Group::class, entityColumn = "groups_site_id", parentColumn = "sites_site_id")
val groupItems: List<GroupItem>
) {
fun getSiteUnreadCount(): Int =
groupItems.sumOf {
data class GroupItem(
var group: Group,
@Relation(entity = Message::class, parentColumn = "groups_group_id", entityColumn = "messages_group_id")
var messages: List<Message>
) {
fun getGroupUnreadCount(): Int {
return messages.filter { it.isIncome == 1 && it.isRead == false }
So using the Room 2.4.2 i have the following query
Select * from servers
inner join sites on servers.server_id = sites.sites_server_id"""
fun getServerItems(): LiveData<Map<Server, List<SiteItem>>>
The expected result should have been something like that
RESULT = Map (
key: Server(serverId: 1, serverDescription: "Server 1"),
value: [
site: Site(siteServerId: 1, siteSiteId: 1, siteDescr: "Site 1"),
groupItems: [
Group(groupServerId: 1, groupSiteId: 1, groupGroupId: 1, groupDesc: "Group 1"), List<Message> : [...messages...],
Group(groupServerId: 1, groupSiteId: 1, groupGroupId: 2, groupDesc: "Group 2"), List<Message> : [...messages...]
site: Site(siteServerId: 1, siteSiteId: 2, siteDescr: "Site 2"),
groupItems: [
Group(groupServerId: 1, groupSiteId: 2, groupGroupId: 3, groupDesc: "Group 3"), List<Message> : [...messages...],
Group(groupServerId: 1, groupSiteId: 2, groupGroupId: 4, groupDesc: "Group 4"), List<Message> : [...messages...]
key: Server(serverId: 2, serverDescription: "Server 2"),
value: [
site: Site(siteServerId: 2, siteSiteId: 1, siteDescr: "Site 1"),
groupItems: [
Group(groupServerId: 2, groupSiteId: 1, groupGroupId: 1, groupDesc: "Group 1"), List<Message> : [...messages...],
Group(groupServerId: 2, groupSiteId: 1, groupGroupId: 5, groupDesc: "Group 5"), List<Message> : [...messages...]
However what i get can be shown in the following image
Does anyone knows how can i solve that?
As you have:-
@ColumnInfo(name = "unreadCounter")
val unreadCounter: Int
a) the @Columninfo annotation has no purpose so really you just have val unreadCounter: Int
b) there will be no such column, so it would need to be generated.
- e.g. something along the lines of
SELECT *,(SELECT count(read_status) FROM messages WHERE groups_group_id = g.group_id AND read_status) AS unreadCounter FROM groups AS g WHERE group_id=:group_id
. - However, to incorporate this would be relatively complex.
- Note the column read_status has been made up and will probably not reflect what you have.
Assuming that, in addition to your description of the relationships, a Group has many messages which can be either read or unread the the following is an working example that gets the unread messages for a group and also for a site.
It uses a function rather than a query to ascertain the unread count.
First the @Entity annotated classes Server, Site, Group and Message for the 4 tables :-
@Entity(tableName = "servers")
data class Server(
var server_id: Long?=null,
var server_name: String
@Entity(tableName ="sites")
data class Site(
var site_id: Long?=null,
var sites_server_id: Long,
var site_name: String
@Entity(tableName = "groups")
data class Group(
var group_id: Long?=null,
var groups_site_id: Long,
var group_name: String
@Entity(tableName = "messages")
data class Message(
var message_id: Long?=null,
var groups_group_id: Long,
var message_name: String,
var read_status: Boolean = false
- Obviously these will probably not reflect you actual classes.
Now some POJO classes :-
First GroupWithMessages :-
data class GroupWithMessages(
var group: Group,
@Relation(entity = Message::class, parentColumn = "group_id", entityColumn = "groups_group_id")
var messages: List<Message>
) {
fun getUnreadCounter(): Int {
var rv: Int = 0
for(m in messages) {
if (!m.read_status) {
return rv
- with a function to retrieve the unread messages.
and second an adaptation of your SiteItem POJO :-
data class SiteItem(
var site: Site,
@Relation(entity = Group::class, parentColumn = "site_id", entityColumn = "groups_site_id")
var groupList: List<GroupWithMessages>
) {
fun getSiteUnreadCount(): Int {
var rv: Int = 0
for (g in groupList) {
rv = rv + g.getUnreadCounter()
return rv
- with an additional function that will retrieve the unread message count for all groups in the Site.
All of the dao functions in interface Alldao :-
interface AllDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(server: Server): Long
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(site: Site): Long
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(group: Group): Long
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(message: Message): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM sites INNER JOIN servers on servers.server_id = sites.sites_server_id")
fun getServerItems(): Map<Server, List<SiteItem>>
- Note that for convenience and brevity LiveData has not been used
an @Database
annotated class TheDatabase :-
@Database(entities = [Server::class,Site::class,Group::class,Message::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getAllDao(): AllDao
companion object {
private var instance: TheDatabase? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"the_database.db")
return instance as TheDatabase
Finally putting it all together in an activity (designed to run just the once) which inserts various data and then uses the getServerItems function to drive a loop that reports on the data:-
const val TAG = "DBINFO"
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db: TheDatabase
lateinit var dao: AllDao
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
val s1id = dao.insert(Server(server_name = "Server1"))
val s2id = dao.insert(Server(server_name = "Server2"))
val site1id = dao.insert(Site(sites_server_id = s1id, site_name = "Site1"))
val site2Id = dao.insert(Site(sites_server_id = s1id, site_name = "Site2"))
val site3Id = dao.insert(Site(sites_server_id = s2id, site_name = "Site3"))
val site4Id = dao.insert(Site(sites_server_id = s2id, site_name = "Site4"))
val g1id = dao.insert(Group(groups_site_id = site1id, group_name = "Group1"))
val g2id = dao.insert(Group(groups_site_id = site1id, group_name = "Group2"))
val g3id = dao.insert(Group(groups_site_id = site1id, group_name = "Group3"))
val g4Id = dao.insert(Group(groups_site_id = site2Id, group_name = "Group4"))
dao.insert(Message(groups_group_id = g1id, message_name = "M1"))
dao.insert(Message(groups_group_id = g1id, message_name = "M2", read_status = true))
dao.insert(Message(groups_group_id = g1id, message_name = "M3"))
dao.insert(Message(groups_group_id = g1id, message_name = "M4"))
for(si in dao.getServerItems()) {
Log.d(TAG,"Server is ${si.key.server_name} ID is ${si.key.server_id} it has ${si.value.size} sites.")
for (s in si.value) {
Log.d(TAG,"\tSite is ${} there are ${s.groupList.size} Groups with ${s.getSiteUnreadCount()} unread messages.")
for(g in s.groupList) {
Log.d(TAG,"\t\tGroup is ${} there are ${g.messages.size} messages, ${g.getUnreadCounter()} unread")
Running the above results in the log :-
D/DBINFO: Server is Server1 ID is 1 it has 2 sites.
D/DBINFO: Site is Site1 there are 3 Groups with 3 unread messages.
D/DBINFO: Group is Group1 there are 4 messages, 3 unread
D/DBINFO: Group is Group2 there are 0 messages, 0 unread
D/DBINFO: Group is Group3 there are 0 messages, 0 unread
D/DBINFO: Site is Site2 there are 1 Groups with 0 unread messages.
D/DBINFO: Group is Group4 there are 0 messages, 0 unread
D/DBINFO: Server is Server2 ID is 2 it has 2 sites.
D/DBINFO: Site is Site3 there are 0 Groups with 0 unread messages.
D/DBINFO: Site is Site4 there are 0 Groups with 0 unread messages.
i.e. of the 4 messages added (to Group1, which has Site1 as it's parent which has Server1 as it's parent) 3 are unread an 1 is read.
Replicating you original (aka demonstrating the "complexity") here's some additional code.
GroupItem and another version of of SiteItem i.e. SiteItemV2
/* Additional */
data class SiteItemV2(
var site: Site,
@Relation(entity = Group::class, parentColumn = "site_id", entityColumn = "groups_site_id")
var groupList: List<GroupItem>,
var unreadCounter: Int /* freebie */
data class GroupItem(
var group: Group,
var unreadCounter: Int
The associated @Dao functions :-
/* get the group and group's unread message count */
@Query("SELECT *,(SELECT count(read_status) FROM messages WHERE messages.groups_group_id = groups.group_id AND NOT read_status) AS unreadCounter FROM groups WHERE groups_site_id=:siteid;")
fun getGroupWithReadCount(siteid: Long): List<GroupItem>
/* combine getServerItems and the getGroupWithReadCount to output Map<Server, List<SiteItemV2> */
fun getServerItemsV3(): Map<Server, List<SiteItemV2>> {
var rv = mutableMapOf<Server,List<SiteItemV2>>()
var currentGroupItemList = ArrayList<GroupItem>()
var currentSiteItemList = ArrayList<SiteItemV2>()
for(b in getServerItems()) {
var currentUnreadCount = 0 /* Site level unread counter */
for(si in b.value) {
for (gi in getGroupWithReadCount(!!)) {
currentUnreadCount +=gi.unreadCounter
currentUnreadCount = 0
rv[b.key] = currentSiteItemList.toList()
return rv
and the activity code that uses the above:-
/* Additional */
for(si in dao.getServerItemsV3()) {
Log.d(TAG+"EX03","Server is ${si.key.server_name} ID is ${si.key.server_id} is has ${si.value.size} sites.")
for (s in si.value) {
Log.d(TAG+"EX03","\tSite is ${} ID is ${}. The are ${s.unreadCounter} unread messages for the site accross ${s.groupList.size} groups.")
for (g in s.groupList) {
TAG + "EX03",
"\t\tGroup is ${} unread messages = ${g.unreadCounter}"
and the result :-
D/DBINFOEX03: Server is Server1 ID is 1 is has 2 sites.
D/DBINFOEX03: Site is Site1 ID is 1. The are 3 unread messages for the site accross 3 groups.
D/DBINFOEX03: Group is Group1 unread messages = 3
D/DBINFOEX03: Group is Group2 unread messages = 0
D/DBINFOEX03: Group is Group3 unread messages = 0
D/DBINFOEX03: Site is Site2 ID is 2. The are 0 unread messages for the site accross 1 groups.
D/DBINFOEX03: Group is Group4 unread messages = 0
D/DBINFOEX03: Server is Server2 ID is 2 is has 2 sites.
D/DBINFOEX03: Site is Site3 ID is 3. The are 0 unread messages for the site accross 0 groups.
D/DBINFOEX03: Site is Site4 ID is 4. The are 0 unread messages for the site accross 0 groups.
Answered By - MikeT
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)