Does anyone faced with the similar problem before? Whenever I send message, app is crashing immediately. Here is my MessageReceiver class:
public class MessageReceiver extends FirebaseMessagingService {
final String TAG = "MessageReceiver";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Log.d(TAG, "onMessageReceived: "+remoteMessage.getFrom());
if(remoteMessage.getData().size() >0){
Log.d(TAG,"payload: "+remoteMessage.getData());
I even tried with empty method onMessageReceived still crushing the app.
This is the version that Im compiling:
compile ''
This is the json that Im sending to app through PostMan:
I figure it out. If anyone face with the similar problem in the feature you need to make sure that you also compile firebase-core along firebase-messaging and that you match the same version with google play services.
compile ''
compile ''
After this everything worked fine. Thanks @FnR for your suggestions.
Edit 9th June 2022
This are the current most latest versions:
implementation ''
implementation ''
Also want to mention that it is a good practice to use now Firebase Android BoM (Bill of materials) to manage your Firebase dependencies, where the versions will be taken care of for you. Example:
dependencies {
// Import the BoM for the Firebase platform
implementation platform('')
// Declare the dependencies for the desired Firebase products without specifying versions
// For example, declare the dependencies for Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore
implementation ''
implementation ''
The above snippet is from Firebase docs, please for more info see:
Answered By - Alexander
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)