Trying to do the this link:
Everything is going well until I reach the last part:
mvn -PautoInstallPackage install
I can't get that to work. I'm getting POM errors. I've been searching for hours still to no avail. I'm getting missing jar error.
I was hoping the error can be solved like NPM Install but it's not :(
Any help?
-I've already installed MAVEN and copied the setting.xml to /.m2/ directory.
passed cur when I downgraded to JDK 8, seems to me like JDK 8 is more stable.
But now I'm stuck on UI apps. anymore solutions?
UPDATE: I think I found a solution.
How can I change that Localhost install location? that's not my install location. I'm running that command with the mvn -PautoInstallPackage install line. how can I modify port?
SOLVED! First Solution: Downgrading from Java10 to Java8 Second Solution: Editing my buildDirectory from my POM file
Hope this helps others! ask question if you have ;) maybe I've been thru it already
Answered By - Karl Garcia
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)