I'm not too sure what is the right way to use this tag, but I use it like this:
It doesn't work at all. It seems that there was a known bug in maven that this tag won't work as I found these threads:
But that was a while ago. I didn't find much useful information on maven website as well.
So how can we exclude certain source files / classes while we build javadoc using maven?
Finally figured it out.
First, there was an known bug as tracked in this page: And the patch went into the plugin 2.10.2. So after that version, the bug is fixed. However, I was using some earlier version.
Second, use this schema:
To exclude file.
Third, in the sourceFileExclude, I used, this is probably not right. Instead, I used someClass.* and this works for me.
Answered By - pythonician_plus_plus
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)