During normal test development using mockito, I (and many others for sure) run into many situations where our when(service.doSomething(paramMatcher, paramMatcher2, ...).thenReturn(...) drives me crazy. So many combinations that are possible between lists, vargars, null values, etc. it is often hours spent just trying to get the formula right and even then I give up and just use any() with thenAnswer(manual matching).
How can I debug the parameter matching mechanism of mockito? For added difficulty, I run my tests using Mockito runner which means that I use annotation to initialize and automatically inject my mocked services.
You can enable verbose logging on your Mocked objects:
List mockWithLogger = mock(List.class, withSettings().verboseLogging())
This should give you more information to understand the interactions.
Answered By - Glennular
Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (JavaFixing Volunteer)